WACO Community School District Regular Board of Education Meeting Tentative Agenda
Board Room WACO Junior/Senior High Wayland, Iowa
Monday, March 20, 2023, 5:30 pm
I. Call to Order—Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda (with necessary amendments or deletions)
III. Recognition of Visitors & Communications – HS Speech & Mrs. Rich
IV. Review WACO Mission Statement—The mission of the WACO Community School
District is to develop responsible, productive citizens who view learning as a life-long
process. WACO’s educational environment encourages continuous improvement,
problem-solving, measurable outcomes, and community involvement.
V. FY 2023 School Budget Hearing
VI. FY 2023 School Calendar Hearing
VII. District Directors Boundary Line Hearing
VIII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
B. Financial Reports
C. Bills for Payment
D. Personnel-Hire: Seth Pugh-Asst HS Track Coach, Abbey Shelman-Elem Counselor.
Resignation: Lindsey Sivetts-3rd Grade Teacher
E. Open Enrollment-2023-2024 Highland to WACO: Kase Carstensen (K), Elizabeth
Lefeber (K), Tucker Lefeber (PK).
IX. Old Business
A. Second Reading of Board Policies 500-501.10 (remove 501.3R1, 501.3E1)
X. New Business
A. Adoption of 2023-2024 School Budget
B. Approval of 2023-2024 School Calendar
C. Consider FY 2024 Budget Guarantee Resolution
D. First Reading Board Policy 501.10R1-502.5
E. Approval of District Directors Boundary Lines
XI. Administrative Reports
A. Principals – Elementary, High School
B. Superintendent
XII. Board Comments/Reports
XIII. Adjourn