Wayland City Council Meeting Agenda

Wayland City Meeting at 7:30 pm Wednesday, June 15 at the Wayland City Hall

1. Roll Call
2. Consent Agenda
Note: These are routine items and will be enacted by one motion without separate discussion unless a Council member requests an
item be removed for separate consideration.
a. Minutes of June 1, 2022
b. Bills for Payment
c. CD Renewals
3. Citizen Forum
The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public for items not listed on the agenda. You are asked to state your
name and address for the record and to limit your remarks in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The
Order of Business is at the discretion of the Chair. No action will be taken.
4. Unfinished Business
a. Ord. 10-2022 “ An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Wayland, Iowa, by Amending Water Rates and Charges” (Final reading)
5. New Business
a. Request To Apply For Grant To Improve Bomber Field Drainage/Lights (WYAA)
b. Res. 2022-15 “A Resolution Authorizing Wages And Benefits For City Employees
For The Fiscal Year of July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2023”
c. Res. 2022-16 “Resolution To Transfer Funds FYE22”
d. Red Flag Tour – Blocking Section of Main Street September 24
e. Set Special Council Meeting Date For Public Works Position Interviews
f. Discuss Natural Gas Purchases/Rates
6. Building Permits – Approved
Ron See – New Frame 76’ x 51.4’ (includes 3 car garage) at 805 N Pearl St.
Caylon DeVaul – 16’ x 16’ x 8’ wood deck with gazebo attached at 409 W Main
Chad Rohe – Re-roof house at 302 W Main St.
7. Adjournment
MAYOR: Chet Fort
COUNCIL: Melinda Ullery,
Aaron Barnhart, Jamie Roth,
Kathie Grimm, Caylon DeVaul
CLERK: Beverly Conrad
TREAS: Terry Kaufman
ATTORNEY: Lynch Dallas