1. Roll Call
- Public Hearing – Budget Amendment #1 FYE24 @ 7:30 pm
- Information On County Hazardous Mitigation Plan Update – (Gail Thomas)
4. Consent Agenda
Note: These are routine items and will be enacted by one motion without separate discussion unless a Council member requests an item be removed for separate consideration.
- Minutes of November 1, 2023
- Bills for Payment
- CD Renewals
- WEDC Semi-Annual & Development Agreement Reports
5. Citizen Forum
The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public for items not listed on the agenda. You are asked to state your name and address for the record and to limit your remarks in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The Order of Business is at the discretion of the Chair. No action will be taken.
- Unfinished Business
7. New Business
- 2023-24 “City Budget Amendment #1 & Certification Resolution FY23/24”
- 2023-25 “Engineering Services Agreement” (North Plains Estates – Plat 2)
- 5-day Special Class C Retail Alcohol License Application – Your Choice Restaurant
- 2024 Energy Efficiency Rebates
8. Adjournment