9-22-21 Henry County COVID-19 update:
14-day positivity rate for individuals: 16.0%
14-day positivity rate for tests taken (includes duplicate tests): 10.2%
# of cases last 3 days: 21
# of cases last 7 days: 71
# of cases last 14 days: 173
% of residents 12+ years of age fully vaccinated: 54.8%
% of all residents fully vaccinated: 46.7%
Think about who you interact with each day and if they are at a higher risk due to age or health concerns, please consider getting vaccinated to help protect them. This virus is continuing to spread throughout our communities. Public Health has walk-in vaccine clinics for Moderna or J&J at 106 N. Jackson St. Monday – Friday 8am-3:30pm.
Public Health is sharing these regular updates to hopefully provide the most helpful information to keep you informed. There is a lot of data out there so we are reporting data from our local public health portal, with the exception of the vaccinated % which comes from the CDC Data Tracker since they break it out by eligible residents instead of just all residents.**