Addington Place of Mount Pleasant Has New “If I Could” Program

Judy Fye: Credit David Kroll & Addington Place Mt. Pleasant

Addington Place of Mount Pleasant helped make on of their residents dreams come true though their “If I Could” program. The program is designed to take a dream and make it a reality for residents at Addington place.

Whether it be a trip to a city, meeting someone they have always wanted to meet, or in the case of Judy Fye, She wanted to see a Hawkeye Basketball game in person! David Kroll with ADington Place set out across social media with an alert for anyone who could offer up some tickets to a game.


Within the first hour, David was receiving offers from people online who wanted Judy to experience her wish. Judy was given four tickets to a Hawkeye Basketball game where she chose to take her three advisors from Addington Place.

Judy said when she found out she was going to see the Hawkeyes play, she was shaking and couldn’t believe it.

You can be on the lookout for more of these heartwarming stories from Addington Place as they continue their new program “If I Could”