Burlington High School Fire

At 5:42 PM Thursday, June 22, 2023, the Burlington Fire Department responded to The Burlington Community High School at 421 Terrace Dr. for a report of a fire on the roof near the gymnasium. Upon arrival, firefighters found light smoke in the area. Further investigation found a small portion of the rubber roofing material melting. Firefighters used a small amount of water to extinguish the burning roof.


The fire started due to a hot piece of slag that resulted from welding work. The slag then contacted the rubber base of a safety cone, which melted into the rubber roofing membrane.


The fire is classified as accidental and not considered suspicious.


The damage costs are estimated to be $3,000.


9 Burlington firefighters responded to the initial call and were assisted by Burlington Police Department, West Burlington Fire Department, BHS staff, and Carl A. Nelson staff. There were no injuries reported. Firefighters cleared the scene at 6:33 PM.