Elgar and Helman Selected as Co-Chairs of Henry County Democratic Party

The Henry County Democratic Party Central Committee met and selected Mary Elgar of Mt. Pleasant and Dave Helman of rural Salem to serve as co-chairs of the local party.

Mary Elgar served as chair for ten years  during the legislative career of Tom Vilsack and the 1998 Vilsack campaign for Governor.  Elgar also served on the Democratic State Central Committee during this ten-year period. Helman served as chair from 2004 to 2013.  He was also honored by being chosen as 2nd Congressional district “Chair of the Year” in 2013.

Both have led the local party during multiple Presidential Caucus campaigns and have assisted candidates in their campaigns for local and state office.  They are proud of their good working relationship with the Henry County Auditor’s Office which manages elections for Henry County voters.

Elections were also held for several other leadership positions. Lois Roth and Aaron Williamson were elected as Vice-Chairs.  Pat Richenberger and Matt Mitchell will serve as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.

In the coming weeks the new officers will be reaching out to Henry County voters- asking them to join in preparing for the fall election.   Several events, including an organization rally, are being planned for this summer.