Fairfield Family Fight’s With Car Parts and Kitchen Knives

On November 30th at 4:47pm, the Jefferson County Law Center received a call indicating that a group of individuals was fighting with sticks in the 800 block of West Grimes Avenue in Fairfield. Upon arrival, Fairfield Police Officers located an adult male who was bleeding from the leg. After recognizing significant injury, he was transported to the hospital.

Multiple individuals were interviewed at the scene, yet conflicting statements were given to law enforcement, making the exact facts blurry. After sorting through reports, it was determined that a disagreement among family members had taken place. A physical fight then took place, culminating in a female stabbing a male with a kitchen knife.

The female told officers that she used the knife as self-defense, after the male threw a part of a car engine at her. This claim of self defense could not be verified by law enforcement.

After medical stabilization, the male was interviewed by law enforcement. He was polite and cooperative, yet it came as a surprise when he was asked for the details surrounding the case, and he told officers “We don’t do family like that.”

The male party indicated to officers that he does now want to pursue or cooperate in criminal prosecution relating to the injuries. He is expected to make a full recovery.

Unless new and substantial information becomes made know to law enforcement, no charges will be issued from this incident.