The Avenue of Flags, Henry County Veterans Memorial Committee has made final plans for the 2024 Memorial Day observance in Mt. Pleasant.
On Thursday, May 23rd, flags will be placed in Forest Home, Old City, and St. Alphonsus Cemeteries under the supervision of Bob Svidal and Robin Daniel. Flags can only be placed if there is a flag holder at the gravesite. It is the responsibility of family members to make sure those flag holders are in place. Flags will be picked up on Tuesday, May 28th, at 4:00pm. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to help place and pick up the flags at cemeteries.
On Saturday, May 25th, at 8:00am, the flags will be raised on the Courthouse lawn. This year the flags will remain flying for 4 days. The courthouse lawn flags will be retired on Tuesday, May 28th, at 4:00pm weather permitting. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to volunteer in the raising and retiring of the Flags at the Courthouse lawn.
On May 27th, the Memorial Day Observance will be held at the Mt. Pleasant High School Gymnasium at 10:30am. The event will begin with the presentation of the colors by members of the VFW, American Legion Posts, and Auxiliaries.
Avenue of Flags Chairman and Honor Guard Commander, Dean King, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies.
Pastor Mike Scudder, who is the pastor at the Faith Lutheran Church in Mt. Pleasant and is also a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, will deliver the Invocation and Benediction.
The MPCHS Band, under the direction of Brad Cook, will be playing patriotic music prior to the beginning of the program and they will also play the National Anthem.
Under the direction of Brooke Smith, a group of Middle School students will be performing a presentation of the Gettysburg Address/Battle Hymn of the Republic.
General Logan’s orders, which were the beginning of the current Memorial Day, will be read.
The featured speaker this year will be Jeff Shipley. Shipley is currently serving in the Iowa House of Representatives representing House District 97, which includes portions of Henry County including Mt. Pleasant.
10 names will be engraved that have been added to the memorial since last Veterans Day, which brings the total to 1525 names. Those names and families that are present will be recognized.
Following the Benediction, the Honor Guard will fire a 3-volley salute followed with taps by members of the MPCHS band.
Those names that have been added to the Memorial are:
Robert H Meyer USN
William G Wright USA
Paul William Moeller USN
Ron Kaska USAF
Marvin James Schenk USA
Roger D Reinier USN
Jerry Lee Bonser USA
Lynn J Cochran USAF
David Lamont Brower USA
Larry A Milks USA