WACO Families:
There will be staff at the Elementary 3/19/2020 from 8 – 1:00 to take phone calls for scheduled visits to the building.
Students and ONE adult per family may come and get books, materials, and personal items.
They can also check out a Chromebook if you have no other devices in the home.
Nurse Brittany will be here to give medications back to adults from 10:30 – 12:30.
If you plan to visit, please call and schedule an appointment so we may practice social distancing. 319.658.2931. Beginning Monday, March 23 WACO will offer two meals per day to each child (under 18 years of age) free of charge.This is a free service to all WACO children 18 years of age and younger AND includes any children living in your home even if they do not attend WACO. We will offer curbside pick up at both of our buildings.
- For WACO students INSIDE the city limits of Wayland and Crawfordsville, we will offer a grab and go.
- WACO Students that live outside of the city limits may be eligible for delivery.
3.WACO students living outside school district lines (open enrolled students) please complete the survey and we will reach out to you specifically.