Lee County Granted FEMA Public Assistance Program Funding for Spring Flooding

The weather hasn’t necessarily been kind to certain parts of Iowa this year, as we all saw with a heat wave last week, tornadoes, and drought. Earlier in the year, spring flooding impacted different communities throughout the state and contributed to damage in these towns. Governor Kim Reynolds has now received confirmation from the President of the United States that her request for a Presidential Disaster Declaration for seven counties that were devastated by spring flooding has been granted. Lee county is named in the list, along with Allamakee, Clayton, Des Moines, Dubuque, Jackson, and Scott.

Under the declaration, FEMA Public Assistance Program funding is available to eligible public entities and nonprofit organizations in the designated counties that were impacted by the April 24-May 13, 2023, Mississippi River flooding. This funding may be used for any emergency work, such as the removal of debris and emergency protective measures, or the repair/replacement of disaster-damaged facilities.

The governor also received notification that the Presidential Disaster Declaration includes funding to conduct hazard mitigation activities for the entire state. With this funding, Iowa will be able to minimize the impact of future disasters by taking steps to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards.