Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing for Alternate Energy Ordinance

The Henry County Planning and Zoning Commission met for a packed public hearing on Tuesday evening. With residents from all over the county, as well as RWE Representatives, politicians, and of course the board, discussion lasted late into the night.

Many concerns were raised about the potential wind turbine project.  One citizen voiced their concern about the next generations and leaving a positive legacy, instead of (in her words) selling our farmland to the highest bidder. Another said that those against the potential project are not the “silent minority” but are in fact the majority of citizens in this county. He referenced a map that was continually updated until the moratorium was placed on this alternative energy discussion earlier this year. The map shows landowners who are against the project, which far outnumber those who are in support.

Multiple people spoke about how these proposed turbines would affect air travel for agriculture, medical, and personal reasons. One constituent, a crop duster, made the claim that the turbines may interfere with radars and would certainly cause unnecessary danger for pilots in this area. He also believes that the cost for insurance will skyrocket, referencing a friend in a different county who now pays 15% more for insurance, which means he must charge the customers more to spray pesticides.

Not everyone at the meeting was against the project, however. One citizen who owns land in the northern part of the county believes that citizens sometimes have to put up with things that they don’t want. He referenced a hog confinement placed close to his house a few years ago, which he now deals with the smell every day. His main concern is the right of the individual to do what they want with their land. An RWE representative spoke at the meeting, stating that they have over 6,000 turbines in Iowa alone that are between 350ft and 600ft tall. She then said that a setback length of 1/3rd of a mile for these proposed turbines sounds appropriate.

Another said that people should be able to build what they want with their land, and that is an American idea. He was thankful that we live in a country where we are able to discuss these issues. He also brought up the financial aspect of the project, naming WACO CSD as benefiting $250,000 if this project were to pass. He believes that this money could be used for new staff, buildings, or raises to existing staff. He also said that property tax in the county would decrease. Some citizens have proposed much longer setbacks than what the ordinance currently says. This citizen says that a setback any further than 1/3rd of a mile would “kill the project”.

The Planning and Zoning Commission received a document from the Board of Supervisors with their recommended changes to the existing alternative energy ordinance. The commission discussed the document and ultimately voted 4-0 against adopting the proposed changes. Instead, a document provided by “Henry County Watchmen LLC” was discussed and the board will take a week to review it. The document proposes taking out title 6-2-11-2 section 2-6, and having separate standalone ordinances for those.

There will be a work session next week, which allows the public time to review the document and proposed changes. The next meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, September 25th, at 6:00pm at the Henry County Courthouse Courtroom.

A link to the current working ordinance: