Henry County Public Health wants to help kids get ready to go back to school and encourages students to get their shots and screenings done early to beat the rush. On Tuesday August 2nd they will offer a special all-day immunization clinic from 9am-4pm. Regular immunizations and COVID-19 vaccines will be available on a walk-in basis. Immunizations are needed before going into kindergarten, 7th, and 12th grades. CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older. On Thursday August 4th from 1-6pm they will offer free dental, vision, and lead screenings in addition to regular immunizations and COVID-19 vaccines. All services will be on a walk-in basis. All Iowa children enrolling in kindergarten and 9th grade are required to have a dental screening prior to starting school.
Henry County Public Health is located at 106 N. Jackson Street in Mt. Pleasant. Visit HealthyHenryCounty.org/immunizations to view all clinic times or call 319-385-0779. Follow Facebook.com/HealthyHenryCounty for regular updates.