Second KILJ Community Forum

KILJ wants to keep you informed during this time about everything related to the Coronavirus and our community. Just as you are all practicing social distancing, staying home, and following our state and federal guidelines, we have moved our community forum to a virtual round table discussion instead. In conjunction with our Generation Gap program on Friday we will have an extended community forum virtually from 9 to 10:30. Owner Paul Dennison and I, Kadie Johannson will be facilitating this virtual discussion on Friday at 9:00 am right here on KILJ to keep you up to date with what is happening in our listening area. Hear from State Representative Joe Mitchell, Henry County Public Health Coordinator Shelley Van Dorin, Emergency Management Coordinator Walt Jackson, Henry County Sheriff Rich McNamee, Mount Pleasant Chamber Alliance Executive Vice President Kristi Ray, and State Senator Rich Taylor. We will allow them to give brief updates on how their organizations are responding and we will be taking questions from you to address your community concerns from 9 to 10:30 am. You may email us ahead of time with questions to or give us a call at 319-385-8728. Please be sure to tune in to 105.5 FM or stream us online at to hear some more updates from community leaders and experts on the Coronavirus this Friday morning at 9 o’clock in a virtual round table discussion.