Big Hollow Lake
Ice is still in pretty good shape; the warm weather has led to standing water on the ice and some slush.  Black Crappie – Fair: Bite is hit-and-miss. Most anglers are working the edge of the trees along the south side across from the campground and down towards the dam.

Lake Belva Deer
Puddles of standing water showing up on the ice with the warm weather; the first inch or so of ice is getting pretty soft.   Black Crappie – Good: Bite mostly at night.  Some also caught very early morning and at last light.  Daytime pretty slow.  Bluegill – Fair: Most bluegills caught early morning, then slow.

Lake Darling
Due to the warm weather there is standing water on the ice; the first inch or so of ice is in pretty bad shape.  The hole kept open by the geese is getting bigger everyday; currently 4-5 acres.  Bluegill – Fair: Anglers are catching decent numbers of bluegills during the day along with some crappies.  The crappie bite picks up a little bit near dark.

Lake Geode
Geese are still keeping the middle of the lake wide open; avoid that area. Most anglers are concentrating their efforts in the two bays on each side  the main boat ramp. Black Crappie – Fair: Anglers are picking up crappies over the habitat in 8 to 10 feet of water. Bluegill – Fair: Bite hit-and-miss. Work the fish habitat in 8 to 10 feet of water.

Lost Grove Lake
Lost of anglers were out on the ice last weekend.  Most are catching bluegills.  Bluegill – Good.  Most fishing pressure remains at the western end down from causeway. Most anglers are fishing in the thicker patches of flooded timber up at that end of the lake.

For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Office at 319-694-2430.

Cedar River (La Porte City to Cedar Rapids)|
Black Crappie
– Slow.  Bluegill – Fair.  White Crappie – Slow.

Iowa Lake (Iowa Co.)
Ice thickness is 6-8 inches. Black Crappie – Slow.  Bluegill – Slow.

Lake Macbride
Black Crappie – Slow.  Bluegill– Slow.  Walleye -Slow. White Crappie – Slow.  Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) – Slow.

Pleasant Creek Lake
Ice thickness is 10-12 inches.  Fishing success and anglers numbers have reduced significantly since last week.  Black Crappie – Slow.  Bluegill– Slow. Walleye – Slow.  Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) – Slow.

Rodgers Park Lake
Ice thickness is 12 inches. Black Crappie – Fair.  Bluegill – Fair.

Union Grove Lake
Ice thickness is 8 inches. Large open area near west boat ramp from waterfowl.  Black Crappie – Slow.  Bluegill – Slow.

Wapsi River (Troy Mills to Oxford Junction)|
Final stage of dredging at the Pinicon Ridge Park will start the first week of February.  Some areas will be closed to ice fishing.  Closures are expected to last for about one month. Black Crappie – Slow: Few fish are being caught in backwater area at Pinicon Ridge Park. Bluegill – Slow: Few fish are being caught in backwater area at Pinicon Ridge Park.

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Hawthorn Lake
Ice conditions are variable with open water in some areas and 2-5 inches in others.  Fishing activity has been slow with variable ice conditions. Use caution if venturing out.

Lake Keomah
Lake Keomah is drained for a lake restoration project. Please keep out of the lake bed.

Lake Miami
Ice conditions are variable with a pressure ridge developing on the east side creating some open water.  Entering the lake from the west boat ramp is best.  Catch crappies with jigs in  brush piles.

Lake Sugema
The lake has quite a bit of open water; Canada geese are keeping areas open. No fishing activity has been occurring. Unsafe ice conditions. 

Lake Wapello
Ice conditions vary; use caution.

Rathbun Reservoir
The current lake level is 903.02 msl; recreation pool is 904 msl. Anglers are fishing in the coves and bay at South Fork, Buck Creek and Honey Creek.  Ice thickness varies; use caution and be aware of pressure ridges in some areas. Catch crappies with jigs around brush piles. Lake Rathbun has zebra mussels; properly drain, clean and dry equipment before transporting to another waterbody.  Target crappie using jigs around brush piles.

Red Haw Lake
Ice thickness varies; use caution.  Target brush piles and the submerged structure near the campground hill.

Ice conditions vary at each lake; use caution and check ice thickness often. Contact the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406 with questions about fishing south central Iowa.