Speeding Slows You Down

To raise awareness about the dangers of speeding, The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Region 7, which includes Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, is participating in the “Speeding Slows You Down” Speed Enforcement Campaign.

Law enforcement will be on the lookout for speeding drivers aligned with this effort from July 10th through July 31st.

  • This July 10-31, NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Association) is teaming up with local law enforcement agencies to keep drivers and passengers safe by raising awareness about the dangers of speeding and urging drivers to obey speed limits.
  • In 2021, speeding killed 8,462 people, accounting for more than one-quarter of all crash fatalities. Don’t become a 2023 statistic! Slow down and drive the speed limit!
  • NHTSA would like to remind you that even the safest cars with the newest technologies are limited in how much they can help reduce the odds of a crash if traveling at speeds faster than the posted limit. Slow down and stay safe!
  • From July 10-31, local law enforcement officers will be on higher alert for speeding vehicles while participating in the Speeding Slows You Down If you’re pulled over for speeding, expect to receive a ticket.
  • While drivers of all ages routinely exceed posted speed limits, young people are most likely to be involved in speeding-related fatal crashes. NHTSA reminds you that speeding is a risk that can cost you your life, so stay safe and slow down!


Learn more at  https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving