Update on Iowa Wesleyan University Properties

Iowa Wesleyan University’s closure has conjured speculation and questions as to what would happen to the surrounding buildings and property. Answers have slowly started funneling their way to the community.

A private individual, a well-known developer in Southeast Iowa, has purchased the East Hershey and West Hershey buildings along with both dorm buildings.

A different local buyer has purchased the Science Hall and Nemitz Suites; however, no information has been released on the plans for the buildings due to a non-disclosure agreement. The same local buyer is also discussing the possibility of purchasing the library, but the closing entity on the Iowa Wesleyan University has repairs to complete before closing can occur.

The City of Mount Pleasant is in conversations to purchase the white building closest to The Mount Pleasant Municipal Utilities building. The City of Mount Pleasant was also planning on buying the Old Gym building, but an inspection revealed that the tuck pointing is almost nonexistent and an overwhelming presence of asbestos. Asbestos will need to be removed before anything can be done with the building, and demolition costs are estimated between $300,000 and $800,000.

Concerning the Harlan Statue and the Belle Babbs Mansfield Statue, both are set to stay on campus. If there are any unseen issues leading to the necessary movement of the statues, then the first location would be the Henry County Courthouse.

The Harlan Lincoln House has been excluded from discussions, even though it is listed as collateral on the USDA loan, due to the important historical value. Instead, the Harlan Lincoln House will be entrusted to its own 501C3 non-profit organization, spearheaded by Elizabeth Garrels.

Another important historical building on campus is Old Main, also known as the birthplace of P.E.O. Doug Moore updated that the P.E.O organization in Mount Pleasant as well as the Southeast Iowa Symphony have been able to keep their important items locked away on Campus.

The Mount Pleasant School Board meeting scheduled tonight at 6 p.m. in the high school media center will have an important topic of discussion: the consideration to approve the purchase of the Iowa Wesleyan University Practice Fields and the Central Campus. The Chapel, Howe Student Activity Center, and Old Main would all be included in the defined Central Campus.