Blint and Mullin Chosen as President and VP for Mt. Pleasant School Board

The new Mt. Pleasant Community School Board met for the first time in special session last night. During this organizational meeting, members were chosen for select committee’s and special positions.

Angie Blint was chosen by those around the table as the new school board presidents. Derek Mullin will serve as the vice president.

Finance committee meetings will be held on the first Friday of the month at 12:30pm, with the Site and Policy meeting on the first Thursday at 5:00pm. These meetings are held in the district office and are open to the public.

Representative Shipley, District 87, spoke in front of the new school board about what to expect from the new legislative session. Shipley noted that there are plenty of issues arising, and communication is key. He told the board that this next legislative session will focus on increasing teacher salary and streamlining teacher licensure, by reducing the limits it takes for a person to be “qualified” to fill in as a teacher.

Heads were turned in the room, as one board member stated that becoming a teacher is not an easy job, and not just everyone can do it. Mr. Henriksen, Superintendent, also spoke and provided a strong position on teacher wage increases. The proposed 3% increase is simply not enough, and teachers need a much higher rise in salary, according to Henriksen.

Only time will tell if teachers will receive the support they need. The legislative session begins in January, and Representative Shipley believes this is top priority.