HCHC Foundation announces 2022 Grant Applications

Henry County Health Center Foundation is pleased to announce its 2022 Grant Program. The HCHC Foundation seeks to enhance the health and well-being of Henry County individuals and families by generating financial resources to groups and organizations with a specific health related project.

The Foundation will fund projects in six health related priority areas: 1) Science and Technology, 2) Health Education, 3) Health Programming, 4) Workforce Development, 5) Workforce Recruitment and 6) Capacity Building.   Those seeking funds should submit Letters of Intent to HCHC Foundation by August 15, 2022.   Letters of Intent should include organization information, project information and dollar amount requested.  If the Foundation determines the program or project meets eligibility requirements, the applicant will receive an invitation to submit a full grant application.  Full applications will be due September 30, 2022.

According to Mark Hempen, Director, HCHC Foundation is diligently working to achieve its vision to become the premier catalyst for generating financial resources in order to create a healthier future.  “This grant program allows us to fund and support health-related projects that benefit individuals and families of Henry County.  It is a great opportunity to give back to the people who have so generously contributed to the Foundation.”

2021 award recipients included the Winfield Public Library for their 5-2-1-0 water program; Winfield Fitness Center for expansion; and Henry County Public Health for their CARE LINKS program.

Consideration for funding will be given to proposals which closely align with the Foundation’s mission, have the potential to achieve both the objectives of the applicant organization and program goals of the Foundation, and have the potential for long-term impact and sustainability in the community.   For additional details please contact HCHC Foundation Director, Mark Hempen at 319-385-6541, or MHempen@greatriverhealth.org.