Henry County Planning and Zoning Meeting Tonight – Rules and Information

The Henry County Planning and Zoning Commission is holding a public hearing over the alternative energy ordinance this evening at 6:00 p.m. This will take place in the Henry County courthouse in the 3rd floor courtroom. The courthouse doors will open for the meeting between 5:30pm and 5:45pm. The building will close at 4:30pm, like usual, and so any individual arriving to the meeting prior to 4:30 will be asked to leave. This meeting is open to the public, but there are rules, as there are at any meeting.

1.Individuals who desire to comment during the public hearing, must add their name and address to list of people desiring to speak. Each person on the list will be recognized by the Chairperson when it is their turn to speak.

2.Before speaking, please stand up (if physically able), state your name, address, and/or corporation you represent.

3.You will have three (3) minutes to present comments.

4.Time limit may be extended an additional three (3) minutes at the discretion of the Chairperson.

5.Questions must be directed to the Chairperson. At the Chairperson’s discretion, the questions may be directed to appropriate people.

6.Comments shall be related to the agenda item under discussion. Please do not repeat previously discussed topics unless you have additional information to present.

7.Do not interrupt other speakers.

8.Disruptive behavior; interruptions, applause, signs, placards, etc. will not be permitted.

9.Vulgar, derogatory, or insulting comments will not be permitted.

10.Anyone breaking the rules shall forfeit their right to speak.

11.If order cannot be maintained the meeting will adjourn and all remaining business will be tabled.

12.The board will not debate with members of the public.

13.The board may ask questions from the public at their discretion