Public Health shares November vaccine clinic schedule

Henry County Public Health continues to give the Moderna and J&J COVID-19 vaccine to anyone 18 and older at no cost. Booster shots have now been approved for adults 65 and older and those 18 and older living in long term care settings, with underlying medical conditions, or who live or work in high risk settings. COVID-19 vaccines are given by appointment only. Visit for links to sign up for available appointments or call 319-385-0779 during business hours. Follow for regular updates.

The flu vaccine is also available on a walk-in basis during regular immunization clinics: Tuesdays 9-11am, Wednesdays and Thursdays 1-4pm, and the 1st and 3rd Thursday 1-6pm. All regular vaccines remain available during those clinic times also. The flu vaccine is $35 unless they can bill your insurance so bring your insurance card. Public Health asks that you check-in online before you come if you are able to by visiting They will alert you when it is time to come inside to reduce waiting room traffic. There will be no immunization clinics on Thursday, November 11th or Thursday, November 25th as the office is closed both of those days.

Public Health is located at 106 N. Jackson St. in Mt. Pleasant. Masks are encouraged, they ask that you limit additional family members not receiving vaccines, and please stay home if you or your child are sick. They have a small waiting room, so these safety measures are in place to protect everyone coming to Public Health. For more information or if you have questions call Public Health at 319-385-0779.