Road Construction and Closure Starting Today in Mt. Pleasant – May Impact Your Daily Commute

You may want to start your commute a little early as Saunders St. from Broadway to Adams will be closed for construction starting today. This will be for the construction of storm sewers and replacement of paving.

The intersection of Main Street with Saunders will be completely closed.  No traffic will be possible through that intersection.

Access to Main St. north of Saunders will only be possible from Main St. north of the Railroad.  Traffic on Main St. will be directed onto W. Franklin St. a block north of the Railroad.  Only local traffic needing access to the residences between the Railroad and Saunders should cross the Railroad.

The project is to replace the paving on Saunders St. from Broadway to Adams in the next few weeks this Fall.

Your patience with this interruption of traffic on Saunders and the Main St. intersection will be appreciated while we complete this street improvement for the community.