The Henry County Sheriff met with 2/3rds of the Board of Supervisors on Thursday to discuss the hiring of an additional deputy. Supervisor Lindeen was absent.
On April 2nd, the board approved adding a 13th deputy for school resource officer purposes, after New London and Winfield-Mt.Union both requested officers. However, Winfield-Mt.Union has chosen a Winfield city employee to fulfill the duties inside the school building due to legislation signed into law on April 19th.
Board Chair, Greg Moeller, believed it appropriate to wait on hiring a 13th Deputy since NLCSD does not have an answer on the furthering of the contract for current SRO, Deputy Lopez. There is a school board meeting next week where they will discuss the contract.
The motion to rescind the hiring of a 13th Deputy as an SRO was approved. Supervisor White told the Sheriff that he should come to them again if a similar situation arises.