Wayland City Council Meeting April 6, 7:30 pm at the Wayland City Hall
1. Roll Call
2. Consent Agenda
Note: These are routine items and will be enacted by one motion without separate discussion unless a Council member requests an item be
removed for separate consideration.
a. Minutes of March 16, 2021
b. Bills for Payment
c. Treas. Report
d. Clerks Budgetary Report
e. Utility Dept. Report
f. Police Dept. Report
g. Firefighter Dept. Report
3. Citizen Forum
The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public for items not listed on the agenda. You are asked to state your name and
address for the record and to limit your remarks in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The Order of Business is at
the discretion of the Chair. No action will be taken.
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business
a. Consider Real Estate Purchase – Possible closed session per IA Code 21.5(j) To discuss the purchase
of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase
the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property.”
b. Acknowledge/Receipt of FYE21 Annual Examination Report
c. Res. 2022-08 “Establish City Depository with Peoples Savings Bank
d. Res. 2022-09 “Establish City Depository with Wayland State Bank
e. Res. 2022-10 “Establish City Depository with White State Bank
f. Police Officer Equipment Quote
g. Training – City Clerk – Clayton Energy Gas Meeting – Omaha, NE May 26/27, 2022
h. Summer 2022 Street Work Proposal
6. Building Permits – Approved
Wayland Mennonite Home Association (Parkview) – New frame 61’11” x 55’ 3/12” dwelling
with three attached garages at 504C W Front Street
7. Adjournment